Friday, February 26, 2010

I'm on Zibbet, too!

I'm still selling on Etsy, and my main shop is there, but I decided to try Zibbet and see what happens. So far, I like some things about Zibbet very much, but also have found some things I dislike. Right now it's "wait and see" with Zibbet. The site still is in Beta. Check out the cute link boxes on the side bar here. They do let you have those for free, and it's sort of like the Etsy Mini. The link to my Zibbet store (box with the clothesline) is right under my Etsy Shop slideshow, and the box with the easel takes you to the Zibbet home page.
I'm MsAnomaly on both sites! :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Beagles Team Hearts and Hounds blog giveaway

Please check out the Etsy Beagles Team blog !
We are having our "Hearts and Hounds" team challenge Blog Giveaway. It's so easy to enter, and you will have a chance to win a great zip-pouch prize by team member kookyhandbags. We hope to see your vote posted on the Beagles blog!